Constant I/O | The Core Game Loop | Week 4

Tuesday, February 26th 2019, 10:42:04 pm

This week I focused on tighetning up the code in a few key ways to support a functioning game loop. This basically means I focused more on coding things this week than in prior weeks to make the code more maintanable and extensible moving forward. This means adding better code organization and a few actual programming design patterns I’ve been reading about in a few game dev books, tutorials.

Object Pooling

I first got the idea of object pooling from a book I just finished reading Developing 2D Games with Unity: Independent Game Programming with C# by Jared Halpern. The idea behind object pooling is to build up all your objects at load time and then only activate/disactivate them rather than calling Instantiate() and then Destroy() every time. This did require some code refactoring. This being my first full Unity game, I had been Instantiate()ing and Destroy()ing all over the place. But the refactoring was well worth the work, as my game play did very notciably speed up a bit as I started to re-use objects from a single pool of memory.

Although a bit lengthy, I also found Unity’s official tutorial on Object Pooling quite helpful for building a more general object pooling class. However, I made a few modifications in my own version.

Scriptable Objects

Another interesting bit from Halpern’s book was the notion of using ScriptableObject in order to define data objects in a single place and have multiple MonoBehaviour subclass instances. This means that both a HealthBar component and a Player component can both reference a single HitPoints scriptable object and “share” data. This allows for data model and/or application state to be decoupled from controllers. Though I’m not the biggest MVC evangelist (there are certainly bigger ones) these days, having some separation of concerns in my code does matter.

Command Pattern

From yet another good book on the subject, Game Programming Patterns by Robert Nystrom, I learned about the Command pattern. Though Nystrom didn’t invent this, he admittedly got the idea from the “Gang of Four” book on design patterns book, his application in games was very helpful. Though I’m not done reading his book yet, nor fully implementing this feature in my own game, the idea is to use an abstraction of “commands” to the game object actors (like in my case the Zombie and the Player) such as:

class JumpCommand {
    public execute(actor) {

class FireCommand {
    public execute(actor) {;

And then use streams of Command instances to connect to things like button presses:

class Player {
    public OnHandleInput(key) {
        switch (key) {
            case X_BUTTON:
            case A_BUTTON:

Demo Time

And when you put all that together, it looks like this:

Omar Delarosa avatar

Written by Omar Delarosa who lives in Brooklyn and builds things using computers.

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