7 posts tagged with "music"

Synth Jam 6 | bitstream hymn

Saturday, February 22nd 2025, 9:29:22 am

Recording Notes For this episode of the synth jam series, I brought the laptop back into the mix. Specifically, to use SonicPi as my AI…

Synth Jam 4 | 7th Dimension

Saturday, February 22nd 2025, 9:29:22 am

I’m on a roll. This is my fourth week of making synth jams. This time I tried recording directly to my Tascam recorder from the mixer taking…

Synth Jam 3 | Ion Daydream

Saturday, February 22nd 2025, 9:29:22 am

I added a new synth jam video called ion daydream. This is my second attempt at a DAW-less setup. (Here’s my first attempt from last week…

Synth Jam 2 | Spooky Action at a Distance

Saturday, February 22nd 2025, 9:29:22 am

Now that I’m finally done with grad school (post about that coming soon.) I’ve had more time to work on music. Here is a new video of a…

Markov Chain Rhythms using SonicPi (ft. Drake)

Saturday, February 22nd 2025, 9:29:22 am

A few weeks back I started dabbling in using markov chains to make hip hop music. When I wrote that last post, there was one hurdle that I…

Making Markov Chain Hip Hop with SonicPi

Saturday, February 22nd 2025, 9:29:22 am

For a long time, I’ve tried to merge two significant pursuits in my life: music and code. Although the two are not mutually exclusive, I’ve…

Discovered Gem - Pipe Dream

Saturday, February 22nd 2025, 9:29:22 am

My primary mode of listening to music these days is Spotify’s Discovered Weekly. Although I’ve historically prefered “manually curated…

Omar Delarosa avatar

Written by Omar Delarosa who lives in Brooklyn and builds things using computers.

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